What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

13. What if kids were nocturnal?

We're about to take a break for the holidays, but until then please enjoy this special episode featuring a question from Griffin! What if kids were nocturnal? Zach and Zizi and their parents visit the town of Blerk and find out...

Please enjoy this special episode featuring a question from Griffin! What if kids were nocturnal? Zach and Zizi and their parents visit the town of Blerk and find out... Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!

The Adventures of Pete & Pete

The Adventures of Pete & Pete

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

And this week, if you're in Massachusetts we have a SPECIAL treat for you - see below for details!

12. What if there were a never ending bowl of ice cream?

Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? This week's story answers a question that gets straight to the heart of that old query - what if there were a never ending bowl of ice cream??? Join Whendiana Joan, Abacus P Grumbler and the Learninator as they find out!

Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? This week's story answers a question that gets straight to the heart of that old query - what if there were a never ending bowl of ice cream??? Join Whendiana Joan, Abacus P Grumbler and the Learninator as they find out!

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

Image of "the Trough" from Ample Hills, Karen's absolute favorite ice cream shop!

Image of "the Trough" from Ample Hills, Karen's absolute favorite ice cream shop!

11. What if a weasel could fly?

This week we find ourselves in New What City, where we meet another one of What If World's premiere rodents: Stevie the Weasel! Stevie is trying to fit in among all the other creatures of the city... by learning to fly! Will he figure it out? Will weasels get equal rights?

This week we find ourselves in New What City, where we meet another one of What If World's premiere rodents: Stevie the Weasel! Stevie is trying to fit in among all the other creatures of the city... by learning to fly! Will he figure it out? Will weasels get equal rights?

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

10. What if a rabbit laid eggs in a cloud that fell down?

This week we relate the old What If World parable of the Rabbit That Laid Eggs In A Cloud That Fell Down. Will Rola the Rabbit find her family? Will Dontknowhen, the Goblin Minstrel, every pipe down and let Mr. Eric tell the story? There's only one way to find out!

This week we relate the old What If World parable of the Rabbit That Laid Eggs In A Cloud That Fell Down. Will Rola the Rabbit find her family? Will Dontknowhen, the Goblin Minstrel, every pipe down and let Mr. Eric tell the story? There's only one way to find out!

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

9. What if I turned into a video game?

On our very first bonus episode, Captain Keira and her wise-cracking friend, Mr. Mock, get turned into a video game! Can they beat the secret level of Super Spelunkers, or will they keep bickering until the Giant Frog gets them?!

On our very first bonus episode, Captain Keira and her wise-cracking friend, Mr. Mock, get turned into a video game! Can they beat the secret level of Super Spelunkers, or will they keep bickering until the Giant Frog gets them?!

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

8. What if Tom Brady came to my house?

This week Zach and Zizi get a very special visit from one of What If World's best athletes, Tom Brady! Yes, we're having a little fun with satire as we see Tom Brady try to solve all his problems with football. Maybe he'll even get some help from a teammate...

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This week Zach and Zizi get a very special visit from one of What If World's best athletes, Tom Brady! Yes, we're having a little fun with satire as we see Tom Brady try to solve all his problems with football. Maybe he'll even get some help from a teammate...

If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!


7. What if cats ruled the world?

This week while we decide who to elect President of the United States, caller Kylie presents a 3rd option: what if CATS ruled the world? Find out what happens when Jojo Fluffy Kat gets put in charge! (Plus, we have a visit from Musby Mistaken, who gives us an update on Della and the space fairies!)

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This week Kylie asks, what if CATS ruled the world? Find out what happens when Jojo Fluffy Kat gets put in charge! (Plus, we have a visit from Musby Mistaken, who gives us an update on Della and the space fairies!)

Beautiful portrait of Fred courtesy of Art By Manda - www.artbymanda.com

Beautiful portrait of Fred courtesy of Art By Manda - www.artbymanda.com

If you or your child would like to contribute a "what if?" question for the podcast you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

6. What if it rained candy?

This week Ryan's hitting us with the hard, topical questions (it is Halloween, after all): What if it rained candy??? Candy the Kid - a cowboy made of candy, naturally - joins us to talk about his love of eating candy... and why that isn't creepy in What If World!

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This week Ryan's hitting us with the hard, topical questions (it is Halloween, after all): What if it rained candy??? Candy the Kid - a cowboy made of candy, naturally - joins us to talk about his love of eating candy... and why that isn't creepy in What If World!

If you or your child would like to contribute a "what if?" question for the podcast you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

5. What if things were floating in outer space?

Thanks for the question Della - our fairy friend Fair Elise is here to help us answer it! 

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Thanks for the question Della - our fairy friend Fair Elise is here to help us answer it! Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld.

Don't her parties sound super fun?

If you or your child would like to contribute a "what if?" question for the podcast you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!

4. What if robots could turn into dragons?

Robot by Surly Amy.

Robot by Surly Amy.


Randall Radbot visits the studio to help answer the age old question: "What if robots could turn into dragons?" Thank you so much to Teddy for calling in!

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Randall Radbot visits the studio to help answer the age old question: "What if robots could turn into dragons?" Thank you so much to Teddy for calling in! Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!

If you or your child would like to contribute a "what if?" question for the podcast you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod


 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question.

Story & vocals by Eric O'Keefe. Editing by Karen Marshall. Theme song by Craig Martinson.