What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

98. What if unicorns lived in Halloween bushes? (w/Sloan)

Mr. Eric is joined by young listener named Sloan who will help him tell a totally improvised Halloween special! Can Sloan the Little Unicorn find JFKat after he is scared out of their spooky house by an unapologetic Skeleton Ghost?

Mr. Eric is joined by young listener named Sloan who will help him tell a totally improvised Halloween special! Can Sloan the Little Unicorn find JFKat after he is scared out of their spooky house by an unapologetic Skeleton Ghost?

Lessons include: It’s important to express even the less popular feelings, like guilt and fear; it’s easy to forgive others when you’re able to see from their perspective.


This week’s episode is part of the Kids Listen Halloween Sweeps! Take minute to check out the fun and relaxing April Eight Songs & Stories, the inspiring interview show Good Stuff Kids, and the newest member of the Kids Listen community, This Week in the Multiverse, an original take on science fiction for older kids.

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe.

97. What if What if World had a presidential debate?

The final 6 candidates for president will have to answer your questions if they want to get the job! Unfortunately, Mr. Eric’s never run a debate before… how bad could it be?

Lessons include: Whether you’re a president, or a tiny talking mouse, your ideas and efforts can make a big difference; Everyone needs help sometimes, and leaders need the most help of all!

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96. What if colors made a civilization and a space monster ate a spaceship?

It’s the year 20,018, and Alabaster Infinity has to team up with Dr. Whendiana Joan to find a new galaxy to inhabit. But when their RocCat Ship is set upon by monsters of many colors, can the intrepid crew survive?

Lessons include: it’s fun to have favorite things, as long as it doesn’t close you off to new experiences; however strange someone’s culture may seem, they are probably still capable (and deserving) of great kindness.

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3. What if I lived in a spooky, scary house? (Remastered)

In this slightly scary episode, Mamma Jamma & Poppa Loo join Mr. Eric in the studio to talk about their house hunt. Can Zizi deal handle their new spooky house? Does Zach sleep through the entire episode? (spoiler: yyyup)

Lessons include: in a dangerous or scary place, you should always stick together; try to figure out as much as you can about a situation before jumping to wild conclusions.

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95. What if JFKat told the story and Abacus turned everyone into police officers?

When JFKat controls everything, even the story itself, will he finally realize that napping 19 hours a day might not be the best way to run a world? Maybe Abacus and Rainokhi the talking rainbow can help him take the hint.

Lessons include: absolute power actually isn’t any fun; sometimes, being responsible means admitting that you need help

Who should be President of What If World? Write us on Facebook, Twitter, or join our private group, The Conversatorium, to keep the discussion just to fellow fans. You could vote for Marsha Mallow, Whendiana Joan, Fred the Maybe-Zombie Dog, JFKat (again), or any character you like!

Join What If World on Patreon! Patron episodes are always Ad-Free & Released Early, with Higher Quality Audio! You can also get a live shout out from your favorite character, bonus stories, snail mail from Mr. Eric, and a much better chance of having your question turned into a story!

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our artwork is by Jason O’Keefe.

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94. What if pianos could talk and stairs turned into houses?

Zizi is back to school this week, and has officially achieved the status of “Big Kid.” Will she and Benocerous be able to handle Music class? Hopefully one of them knows how to speak piano…

Zizi is back to school this week, and has officially achieved the status of "Big Kid." Will she and Benocerous be able to handle Music class? Hopefully one of them knows how to speak piano...

Lessons include: It can difficult to say what you mean, but keep trying to make your good intentions known; understanding others is hard work, but it can help you make friends and resolve disagreements.


Join What If World on Patreon! Patron episodes are always Ad-Free & Released Early, with Higher Quality Audio! You can also get a live shout out from your favorite character, bonus stories, snail mail from Mr. Eric, and a much better chance of having your question turned into a story!

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our artwork is by Jason O’Keefe.

93. What if blankets could play and the whole town was a transformer? (w/ Eric Molinsky)

This week, Mr. Eric is joined by Eric Molinsky of Imaginary Worlds, a podcast for adults and teens about all things fantasy and sci-fi. They’ll share the tale of Zach’s last adventure with his beloved blanket, Fluffy.

This week, Mr. Eric is joined by Eric Molinsky of Imaginary Worlds, a podcast for adults and teens about all things fantasy and sci-fi. They'll share the touching tale of Zach's last adventure with his beloved blanket, Fluffy. Lessons include: toys are meant to be played with, even if they don't last forever; saying goodbye to someone doesn't mean forgetting them.

Lessons include: toys are meant to be played with, even if they don’t last forever;  saying goodbye to someone doesn’t mean forgetting them.

Imaginary What If Worlds.jpg

Hear Eric & Eric's Outtakes when you join Patreon! Patron episodes are always Ad-Free & Released Early, with Higher Quality Audio! You can also get a live shout out from your favorite character, bonus stories, snail mail from Mr. Eric, and a much better chance of having your question turned into a story! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our artwork is by Jason O’Keefe.

92. What if donuts came to life and went on a journey to find toppings?

The hardest part of making a donut might be picking out its toppings. Why not let the donut pick for itself? Existential crisis, that’s why ;)

The hardest part of making a donut might be picking out its toppings. Why not let the donut pick for itself? Existential crisis, that's why ;) Lessons include: You may change your appearance, but people are going to have a hard time liking you until you like yourself; finding your path is difficult for everyone, but it's okay to accept help along the way.

Lessons include: You may change your appearance, but people are going to have a hard time liking you until you like yourself; finding your path is difficult for everyone, but it’s okay to accept help along the way.


Join What If World on Patreon! Patron episodes are always Ad-Free & Released Early, with Higher Quality Audio! You can also get a live shout out from your favorite character, bonus stories, snail mail from Mr. Eric, and a much better chance of having your question turned into a story! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our artwork is by Jason O’Keefe.

91. An interview with Fred the dog!

Fred is a real life pug mix with an extra long tongue. He’s also leader of the Fur Force and What If World’s most popular character. Let’s find out what makes this dog lick ー err, tick!

Lessons include: Family is family, even if they’re not related to you; rescuing an animal is a big responsibility, but it doesn’t cost a thing to be kind to other creatures

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90. What if swim class was in the trees and princesses rescued knights?

Larra Legend gets introduced in this ode to Avatar (the show, not the movie). Can the Princess of Penguins and the Princess of Pixies save a knight from the Princess of Pincers? Can Sir Squiggles learn to be grateful for their help?

Lessons include: every person is deserving of respect; admit when you need help and be grateful when you receive it.

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