What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

22. What if a tree named Harrigo went to eat a chocolate that was talking?

What if that knotted old tree you pass by every day was actually a grumpy talking chocolate fanatic? Meet Harrigo, a tree with a real sweet trunk, and the young candy bar who teaches him that being nice is a little harder than just not eating your friends. 

What if that knotted old tree you pass by every day was actually a grumpy talking chocolate fanatic? Meet Harrigo, a tree with a real sweet trunk, and the young candy bar who teaches him that being nice is a little harder than just not eating your friends.

This episode originally aired March 13th, 2017.

This is truly one of my favorite old stories. I hope you enjoy it! We’ll have a new story for you next week. Thanks for listening and spreading the word!

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. Today’s artwork was drawn by Peck, our incomparable patron and superfan, back in 2018. 

153. What if clocks were bananas and monkeys ate time?

We learn a little bit about Mr. Eric today as he travels back in time. Can he stop the Time Monkey, or will he get stuck in his own past?

We learn a little bit about Mr. Eric today as he travels back in time. Can he stop the Time Monkey, or will he get stuck in his own past? Lessons include: Our past helps shape who we are today, even the parts that aren't so great; big new challenges are always scary, but they can help us learn about ourselves.

Lessons include: Our past helps shape who we are today, even the parts that aren’t so great; big new challenges are always scary, but they can help us learn about ourselves

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com

152. What if Fred went into a portal to Zombie Land?

In his search for the Frog Queen, Fred the Dog the Frog discovers a portal to Zombie Land. Can they help Fred find his way home, or will they only be interested in his BRAINS?!

In his search for the Frog Queen, Fred the Dog the Frog discovers a portal to Zombie Land. Can they help Fred find his way home, or will they only be interested in his BRAINS?! Lessons include: fun opportunities are everywhere, but they're impossible to find if you don't leave the house!

by Ana Stretcu

by Ana Stretcu

Lessons include: fun opportunities are everywhere, but they’re impossible to find if you don’t leave the house! 

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s Fred artwork was created by Ana Stretcu.

151. What if holidays flew onto Mount Everest?

Dracomax is sick, but he’s determined to wait until the next holiday to feel better. Trouble is, the holidays have disappeared! JFKat and Patty Pan head off to find the missing days, while Abacus and Lola Rabbit stay behind to help Dracomax feel better.

Dracomax is sick, but he's determined to wait until the next holiday to feel better. Trouble is, the holidays have disappeared! JFKat and Patty Pan head off to find the missing days, while Abacus and Lola Rabbit stay behind to help Dracomax feel better.

by Ana Stretcu

by Ana Stretcu

Lessons: We don’t need to wait for the holidays to make us feel better; big feelings are not something to ignore or feel ashamed of

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s Dracomax artwork was created by Ana Stretcu.

101. What if Cthunkle did his show, “What Is World”?

Cthunkle hosts this unusual episode. Could this be the end of What If World? Not if the next president and their new cabinet have anything to do with it!

Cthunkle hosts this unusual episode. Could this be the end of What If World? Not if the next president and their new cabinet have anything to do with it! Lessons include: Handling disappointment is a really important skill for kids and grown-ups to practice; it's important to make your voice heard, even if you don't get your way.

Cthunkle, by Ana Stretcu

Cthunkle, by Ana Stretcu

Lessons include: Handling disappointment is a really important skill for kids and grown-ups to practice; it’s important to make your voice heard, even if you don’t get your way.

This episode originally aired November 19th, 2018.

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s Cthunkle artwork was created by the amazing artist and illustrator, Ana Stretcu

150. What if imagination was good?

Alabaster Zero, Fred the Frog, and Abacus P. Grumbler are stuck in a swamp next to an erupting volcano. Can they save the people of the swamp even without magic?

Alabaster Zero, Fred the Frog, and Abacus P. Grumbler are stuck in a swamp next to an erupting volcano. Can they save the people of the swamp even without magic? Lessons include: with imagination and hard work, we can accomplish almost anything; sometimes we all need to be willing to accept help from others.

Lessons include: with imagination and hard work, we can accomplish almost anything; sometimes we all need to be willing to accept help from others.

The dangers in our imaginary swamp were inspired by the disastrous bushfires in Australia, as well as the Taal Volcano ash eruption in the Philippines. For our 150th episode we’re encouraging you to look out at What Is World and, if you have the means and the time, find some way to help. Even if you’re listening to this story in 2030, you can make a difference in the world with your engagement and support. The Australian Red Cross or the Philippine Red Cross could be a great place to start in 2020 (our media present).

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com

The full questions that helped inspire this story were:

From our patron, Silas: What if Fred licked the volcano away and turned it into a little frog wand and turned Alabaster Zero, Abacus, and himself  back into their regular selves?

From Elle: I like horses, and what if Fred the Dog convinced Alabaster Zero that imagination is good and then Alabaster Zero called on Dracomax to fill the pond with water and put out the volcano with his breath and save the day?

From Ellis: What if cowboys helped Fred, Alabaster, and Abacus and had magic blasters that restored very small amounts magic, and used magic lassos could cast spells and rode on unicorns?

149. What if magic didn’t exist?

When Abacus P. Grumbler, Fred the Dog, and Alabaster Zero get turned into frogs, it’s really no big deal… until magic ceases to exist! Can they learn to get by as frogs in a world without magic? 

When Abacus P. Grumbler, Fred the Dog, and Alabaster Zero get turned into frogs, it's really no big deal... until magic ceases to exist! Can they learn to get by as frogs in a world without magic? Lessons include: When you dismiss other people's concerns, you can land yourself in hot water...

Lessons include: When you dismiss other people’s concerns, you can land yourself in hot water… or a lava swamp; even when we feel out of control, we can still make our own choices.

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

This episode was part of the Kids Listen New Year’s Sweeps. You can check out great New Year’s themed episodes by our friends Story Spectacular, April Eight, and The Good Word's Podcast.

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episodes artwork was made with images by OCAL and Felicity.

148. What if dragons can’t fly?

Dracomax wakes up one morning to discover that half of each wing has somehow disappeared! Can Lola rabbit help him find answers in the enchanted forest?

Dracomax wakes up one morning to discover that half of each wing has somehow disappeared! Can Lola rabbit help him find answers in the enchanted forest? Lessons include: Most things don't come back when they're used up, so we've all get to try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible; imagining how others might be affected by your decisions can help you make better choices.

“Sticky” the giant gecko, by our patron, Esha!

“Sticky” the giant gecko, by our patron, Esha!

Lessons include: Most things don’t come back when they’re used up, so we’ve all get to try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible; imagining how others might be affected by your decisions can help you make better choices.

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; or email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com

79. What if unicorns turned to rocks when they’re shy? (w/ Greg Webb)

Emmatrice Widdle Pony Unistony has been shyly hiding as a stone in the woods until Fairien the Fairy Alien (voiced by Greg Webb of Purple Rocket Podcast) comes to take over the worl – ahem – make a new friend. Can Fairien be a good friend and respect Emma’s shyness, or will he forget the whole thing and conquer What If World?

Emmatrice Widdle Pony Unistony has been shyly hiding as a stone in the woods until Fairien the Fairy Alien (voiced by Greg Webb of Purple Rocket Podcast) comes to take over the worl - ahem - make a new friend.

Lessons include: safety is about learning the smartest way to try something new; fun can be big and loud or little and quiet, you should try a bit of both; make sure you always respect your friends’ boundaries

If you enjoyed this week’s story, please check out Greg Webb’s Purple Rocket Podcast! Greg is offering a guaranteed Shout Out on his show when you Subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts by the end of January 2020. Just leave your first name and where you’re from as part of your review! Enjoy :) 

147. Santa got sick and Kiddoclaus had to deliver Christmas?

When Santaphant the Wooly Mammoth gets sick, Fred and JFKat have to save Ifmas with a little help from a flying megalodon. 

When Santaphant the Wooly Mammoth gets sick, Fred and JFKat have to save Ifmas with a little help from a flying megalodon. Lessons: Learning about others people's holidays gives us even more to appreciate; You shouldn't eat candy you find in the forest ;) Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!

Lessons: Learning about others people’s holidays gives us even more to appreciate; You shouldn’t eat candy you find in the forest ;)

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; or email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s art incorporates images by OCAL.