What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

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What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. What if a tiny dragon lived in my closet? What if there were a never-ending bowl of ice cream? What if cats ruled the world? Join Abacus P Grumbler, Randall Radbot, and Whendiana Joan as they help Mr. Eric tell wacky stories inspired by your questions! Call to leave a voicemail at 205-605-WHAT and be featured on the show.

Mr. Eric is your host and your guide through What If World! One day after a really good sneeze, Mr. Eric opened his eyes and saw giant turtles wandering along the highway and pretzel trees twisting up to the clouds. He was in What If World! He made it back home, but he still visits What If World every so often to find out the answers to all your questions... 

The stories on the podcast are told by Mr. Eric, but he's not the only one that can get to What If World. You can, too! What If World is right there in your imagination! Visit the What If World twitter (@whatifworldpod) or use the Generator to find a question that might help you tell a story of your own! 

 Become a Patron for ad-free stories & great rewards!


Eric O'KeeFfe

co-creator / host / editor / producer

Eric O’Keeffe, aka Mr. Eric, is an experienced teacher and voice actor. He has worked with kids since he started teaching karate at age fourteen. He directed a gymnastics school in Brooklyn, a children’s theatre in Manhattan, and a county-wide theatre program in Los Angeles. 

Now he hosts and produces the podcast What If World - Stories for Kids, working most nights while looking after his two children most days.


co-creator / producer

When not at her day job at a software company in Los Angeles, Karen might be found taking care of her kids, making pies, walking her dogs, playing board games, or listening to podcasts non-stop.


What If World theme song by Craig Martinson

What If World logo by Jason O’Keefe (with graphic design by Karen O’Keeffe)

Character art by Ana Stretcu (merch at our shop)

Transcripts by Keffy Kehrli. Keffy spends most of his time trying to tell computers what to do! When he's not doing that or typing up Mr. Eric's stories, he's telling his dogs not to eat sticks, trying to learn Spanish, and catching too many Pokémon.

And a huge thanks to our Producer, Miss Lynn Hickernell: world class helper, lover of doughnuts, and our kids’ favorite musical artist!