What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

74. What if there was no moon? (with Tumble Science Podcast)

Just when What If World got it’s sun back, the moon goes missing! Thank goodness Mr. Eric will have some help from Lindsay and Marshall from Tumble Science Podcast for Kids to answer this question. Here’s a hint: were-creatures won’t be happy…

Just when What If World got its sun back, the moon goes missing! Thank goodness Mr. Eric will have some help from Lindsay and Marshall from Tumble Science Podcast for Kids to answer this question. Here's a hint: were-creatures won't be happy...

Lessons include: if you don’t understand the world around you, it’s harder to affect positive change; being rude to get your way will always have negative consequences.

In case you missed it, we now have a P.O. Box! Mr. Eric will be happy to share your letters and drawings online (excluding personal information, of course) or use them to inspire his next story!

What If World (or Mr. Eric)
P.O. Box 4905
Panorama City, CA 91412

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What If World is hosted and performed by Eric O’Keeffe and edited by Karen Marshall O'Keeffe, with a theme song by Craig Martinson.