What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

78. What if mad scientists had to wear diapers?

Attribution unknown - please let us know if this image is yours so we may credit!

Attribution unknown - please let us know if this image is yours so we may credit!

Professor Mooshpants and Dr. Nozetal are some of What If World’s maddest scientists. They also happen to be among the youngest. Can the brilliant baby and precocious puppy work together to free themselves from a maximum security day care? Or will they have to wait until their parents pick them up?!

Lessons include: time flies when you stay engaged and challenged; good friends try out each other’s favorite things and grow in the process!

Professor Mooshpants and Dr. Nozetal are some of What If World's maddest scientists. They also happen to be among the youngest. Can the brilliant baby and precocious puppy work together to free themselves from a maximum security day care? Or will they have to wait until their parents pick them up?!

Out Art Contest Ends June 15th

At least one work will be chosen to inspire a What If Story at the end of June. With parent’s permission, contestants will have their artwork featured in What if World’s Conversatorium, a private Facebook group for fans of the show. Of course, we’ll share first names only. Send a scan or photo of your child’s artwork to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com or mail it straight to us:

What If World (or Mr. Eric)
P.O. Box 4905
Panorama City, CA 91412

Thank you for supporting What If World.

  • Join our brand new Facebook group What If World's Conversatorium for conversation about kid's media and education with Mr. Eric and other parents in the community!

  • Be a real What-Iffer and join us on Patreon! Get access to ad-free episodes, live-stream stories, branded swag, one-on-one FaceTime with Mr. Eric, activity books & more!

  • Rate or review us on Apple Podcasts. One moment of your time helps us to grow!

  • Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question. Listeners outside the US, email us a voice memo or recording at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com.

  • Check out our Imaginarium for T-Shirts & more.

  • Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @whatifworldpod!

What If World is hosted and performed by Eric O’Keeffe and edited by Karen Marshall O'Keeffe, with a theme song by Craig Martinson.