What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

158. What if everyone wore the same color clothes? (w/ Niki Smith)

Author and illustrator Niki Smith helps Mr. Eric tell a story where a Purple & Green striped horse has to save her school and friend from Ragged the Dragon.

Author and illustrator Niki Smith helps Mr. Eric tell a story where a Purple & Green striped horse has to save her school and friend from Ragged the Dragon. Lessons include: Wearing different colors helps us express ourselves; no one is "supposed" to be mean or nice, but we can always choose to treat other people well.

Lessons include: Wearing different colors helps us express ourselves; no one is “supposed” to be mean or nice, but we can always choose to treat other people well.

Check out Niki Smith’s “The Deep and Dark Blue.” You can get your copy at Bookshop to support your local bookstore, or on Amazon.

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What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s artwork is from the cover of Niki Smith’s The Deep and Dark Blue.