What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

210. What if a city sank in squid ink? (Cthoffee Shop Plot Part 2)

Find out the origin story of Scully the Squid and his Uncle Cthunkle, with special appearances by Alabaster Zero and Squiderella!

Lessons include: even grownups can have growing up to do; just because a kid gets older, it doesn’t mean they have to give up on all the things they used to enjoy.

Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld.

Great merch available at the Imaginarium! Featuring artwork from Ana Stretcuwhatifworld.threadless.com

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to Miss Lynn, helper in What If World and lover of doughnuts. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson. This episode features editing and sound design by Dessiree McFarland.