What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: Blarbecue

326. What the If? An Intro to What If World

The ultimate primer for new and returning fans! Cthunkle hosts a Blarbecue and everyone’s invited! This story includes paper dragons, donuts, and everyone’s favorite long-tongued dog.

Lessons include: It’s never too late to try something new; no one is a know-it-all on day one (or ever, really!)

Start What If World on any episode, or find a collection of great stories with our curated playlists on Spotify: whatifworldpodcast.com/playlists

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric andKaren O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is byAna Stretcu, and our episode art is byLynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producerMiss Lynn. Our podcast art is byJason O’Keefe, and our theme song is byCraig Martinson.