Cramma Olm — What If World - Stories for Kids

What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: Cramma Olm

335. Magic Land #2: Alabaster Minus One

Alabaster Zero and Cramma Olm are stuck inside a tiny bubble, along with Cthunkle, who isn’t much help…

Lessons include: It’s never too late to start practicing kindness; we can’t change the past, but our choices shape the future!

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer, Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

334. Magic Land # 1: What if a mini ghost town was on top of a coffee shop?

The villains Wardrobe and Cramma Olm have taken over the world, but they don’t know what to do next.

Lessons include: Our choices affect the world daily; power doesn’t bring happiness.

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer, Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

332. Nia asks: What if all the people turned bad?

When the wizard, Abacus, orders a magic staff from Cramazon, he gets more than he bargained for.

Lessons include: Visualizing a positive outcome can turn nervousness into excitement; choices define you, not how other people see you.

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer, Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

324. Inside the Clown Museum: Inside Cthunkle

We learn about Cthunkle’s world-dominating tendencies, the weird clown museum in his belly, and how he spends his downtime. Plus, big What If World news is revealed!

Lessons: Kindness takes courage; You already know a hero, and you’ve probably been one, too.

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

323. Odysseus asks: What inspired Cthunkle to be evil?

Mr. Eric visits the Cthoffee Shop to sample some new flavors and learn more about Cthunkle’s mysterious origins.

Lessons include: You are enough, and you don’t need to listen to anyone who tells you otherwise; everyone has different tastes and ideas, which makes our world fascinating.

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.