Pixicato — What If World - Stories for Kids

What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: Pixicato

347. Emma asks: What if kids rule the world?

Pixicato becomes What If World’s president on the same day she gets her new braces! Can she weather all these changes and still make time to help her friends? 

Lessons include: Big problems can’t be fixed in a day; big changes take time to get used to; liking yourself and leaning on your loved ones can help you face any challenge.

Subscribe and show your Support! Grownups, help your kids share questions & ideas at hello@whatifworldpodcast.com, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our producer is Miss Lynn. Character art by Ana Stretcu, episode art by Lynn Hickernell, podcast art by Jason O’Keefe, and theme song by Craig Martinson.

342. Cryptid Kids #6: In a Pinch

The Million-Hand-Headed-Hydra is pinching away the Observatorium, and even parts of What If World. It's time for the Cryptid Kids to call in some backup!

Lessons include: failure is part of every big challenge; mistakes provide information that can lead us to new ideas.

This story is part of a Guilds & Goblins campaign, where What If World characters (and guests) play an original tabletop RPG for kids and families. Real-life dice rolls, usually with a 20-sided die (or d20), help us tell the story, along with your questions! Start with episodes 327, 328, 330, 331, & 341, Cryptid Kids #1 to #5, if you’ve never heard a G&G story. 

Here are our four favorite would-you-rather questions. Ask your players these questions before playing G&G, and you’ll know what surprises will please them. For younger kids, ask one question per game. For older kids, ask follow-up questions to help you generate ideas! After every four or five games, ask again and customize the questions or change their order to suit your players better.

Would you rather:

Explore strange places or meet funny characters?

Find a rare treasure or learn a new power?

Solve tricky puzzles or face spooky creatures?

Train a sidekick or build an invention?

Please Subscribe and show your Support!

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Kevin Swanstrom wrote this episode. Our producer is Miss Lynn. Character art by Ana Stretcu, episode art by Lynn Hickernell, podcast art by Jason O’Keefe, and theme song by Craig Martinson.

90. Liliana asks: What if swim class was in the trees? (Remastered)

Larra Legend gets introduced in this ode to Avatar (the show, not the movie). Can the Princess of Penguins and the Princess of Pixies save a knight from the Princess of Pincers? Can Sir Squiggles learn to be grateful for their help?

Lessons include: Everyone deserves respect; admit when you need help, and be grateful when you receive it.

This remastered classic first aired on August 20th, 2018. 

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Grownups, help your kids share their questions & ideas at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

308. River asks: What if paintings could read minds? (w/ Lauren Chaitoff)

Fair Elsie needs a break from her presidential duties, so she visits one of What If World’s most magical museums, the Unnatural Gallery. Can Madame Selah (voiced by Lauren Chaitoff), help Fair Elise relax even after all the art comes to life?

Lessons include: How we breathe can affect how we feel; accepting our feelings is a lifelong practice, and we all need help sometimes.

This week’s guest is the fantastic yoga instructor for kids, Lauren Chaitoff. Order her new book, 108 Awesome Yoga Poses For Kids, by going to yogibeans.com/book

You can also follow her on Instagram @yogi_beans to learn more about yoga for kids and get a free trial for an online class: instagram.com/yogi_beans 

This week’s episode is sponsored by Caden Lane, quality eco-friendly clothes for kids since 2005. For 20% off your order, head to CadenLane.com/WHATIFWORLD and use code WHATIFWORLD.

Join our Patreon for ad-free stories, monthly bonus episodes, a shout-out on the show, bi-annual mailings, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

Advertise on What If World: advertising@airwavemedia.com

305. Malcolm asks: What if What If World had a pool party?

Mr. Eric meets up with Fred, Whendiana, Abacus, and others to relax by the pool and answer several new questions that have already been answered!   

Lessons: When we experience a story again, we may find whole new insights (and issues!)

Join our Patreon for ad-free stories, monthly bonus episodes, a shout-out on the show, bi-annual mailings, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Share questions & submissions with a grownup's help via email at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com, voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), Instagram @whatifworldpodcast, or snail mail:

What If World (or Mr. Eric)

P.O. Box 4905

Panorama City, CA 91412

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

Advertise on What If World: advertising@airwavemedia.com

280. Elsa asks: What if it got so cold that everything grew fur?

Pixicato is bored of studying magic, so she takes a break with her friend Snurtle, the snow turtle. But when they get trapped in a Minotaur’s Labyrinth, will her magic be enough to save them?

Lessons include: Every new skill you practice can help you find your path; as Pablo Picasso once said, you must “learn the rules like a pro so that you can break them like an artist.”

Please take our short survey to help the show and earn a chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card: surveymonkey.com/r/whatifworld

Join our Patreon for ad-free stories, monthly bonus episodes, a shout-out on the show, bi-annual mailings, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Our character art is by Ana Stretcu, and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Share questions and artwork with a grownup's help via email at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com or Instagram @whatifworldpodcast.

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe, and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.
Advertise on What If World: advertising@airwavemedia.com

143. What if people sneezed pickles?

Alabaster Zero has his very first day off. Can he solve the mystery of R&R?

Lessons: We all need a balance of work and leisure in our lives; Try not to confuse EASY with FUN, there are many different ways to enjoy your free time, and variety is important!

This episode first aired May 5th, 2018.

Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

See great What If World character art by Ana Stretcu at our merch store, the Imaginarium! whatifworld.threadless.com

Subscribe wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Share questions or artwork with a grownup's help via twitter: @whatifworldpod, fb & insta: @whatifworldpodcast, email: whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com, by phone: (205) 605-WHAT, or snail mail:

What If World (or Mr. Eric)

P.O. Box 4905

Panorama City, CA 91412

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our associate producer Miss Lynn, who put together this week’s artwork. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

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252. What if cat hairballs turned into lion monsters?

How does JFKat end up leading a team of giant hairballs to the Little League championships? Presumably, it involves lots of naps…

Lessons include: winning without work doesn’t help us grow; healthy competition can teach resilience and cooperation

This episode is sponsored in part by Caraway. They design non-toxic ceramic-coated home goods that have raised the standards of what you cook and bake with. Discover Caraway cookware and bakeware. Visit Carawayhome.com/WHATIF or use the code WHATIF at checkout for 10% off.

Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Our Fred and JFKat artwork is by Ana Stretcu with graphic design by Lynn Hickernell. See other great art by Ana at our merch store, the Imaginarium! whatifworld.threadless.com

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld.

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our associate producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

Advertise on What If World

248. What if “The Beatles” were actual beetles?

Pixicato sneaks out to a concert using a newly discovered magic, but then everything starts going wrong. Can she get her magic under control, or will she put her new bug friends in danger?

Lessons include: Your grownups always want to hear about your life, mistakes and all; trust can be built (and rebuilt!) as long as both sides put in the work.

 This episode is sponsored in part by Caraway. They design non-toxic ceramic-coated home goods that have raised the standards of what you cook and bake with. Discover Caraway cookware and bakeware. Visit Carawayhome.com/WHATIF or use the code WHATIF at checkout for 10% off.

 Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Our Pixicato artwork is by Ana Stretcu. See other great art by Ana at our merch store, the Imaginarium! whatifworld.threadless.com

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld.

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our associate producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

Advertise on What If World

232. What if it started raining elephants?

Everyone’s stuck inside ever since elephants started falling from the sky. Can Abacus save the day with an online magic class? It could happen!

Lessons include: Are emotions can feel like too much, especially when we don’t deal with them one at a time; what seems like magic to us is usually the result of a lot of hard work. 

Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Remember to send in your interview ideas and questions, and to always get your grown-up's permission before going online. Which character would you like to hear from and what would you like to know? Email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com with written ideas and audio submissions or call 205.605.WHAT (9428) to leave a voicemail, if you live in the US.

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our associate producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.

Advertise on What If World