What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: friendship

137. What if the lion and the elephant met up to get spaghetti?

M. Dorsett, author of The Lion and the Elephant, comes on to read her short story and then give it a What If World ending! Can the Lion, the Elephant, and the Queen learn to get along?

M. Dorsett, author of The Lion and the Elephant, comes on to read her short story and then give it a What If World ending! Can the Lion, the Elephant, and the Queen learn to get along? Lessons: Learning to get along with different kinds of people can make you happier and more open-minded!

Lessons: Learning to get along with different kinds of people can make you happier and more open-minded!

To learn more about The Lion and the Elephant, go to chibur.info/books. Use the promo code wiw10 to get 10% off and to get your copy signed by the author, M. Dorsett! 

This episode first aired September 23, 2019.

We’ve added a few resources for to our linktree, to help us grownups start (and continue) having healthy conversations with our kids about race: https://linktr.ee/whatifworld

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen Marshall O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This week’s artwork by August Lewis, illustrator of The Lion and the Elephant. 

151. What if holidays flew onto Mount Everest?

Dracomax is sick, but he’s determined to wait until the next holiday to feel better. Trouble is, the holidays have disappeared! JFKat and Patty Pan head off to find the missing days, while Abacus and Lola Rabbit stay behind to help Dracomax feel better.

Dracomax is sick, but he's determined to wait until the next holiday to feel better. Trouble is, the holidays have disappeared! JFKat and Patty Pan head off to find the missing days, while Abacus and Lola Rabbit stay behind to help Dracomax feel better.

by Ana Stretcu

by Ana Stretcu

Lessons: We don’t need to wait for the holidays to make us feel better; big feelings are not something to ignore or feel ashamed of

What If World exists thanks to our Patrons. Get a better chance at having your question chosen, plus Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, and more. Join our Patreon!

Subscribe to What If World on Himalaya or wherever you listen to podcasts! 

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com. This episode’s Dracomax artwork was created by Ana Stretcu.

1. What if I had 101 best friends?

Welcome to What If World!

Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if" question from a friend and answers it in the form of a story. His buddy Petey the Pirate joined him for this first episode to help us show how it's done. He's been living it up on the high seas, but he's a little lonely...

Welcome to What If World! Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "What if" question from a friend and answers it in the form of a story. His buddy Petey the Pirate joined him for this first episode to help us show how it's done.

Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Share questions via Twitter @whatifworldpod, Facebook @whatifworldpodcast, Instagram @whatifworldpodcast, or email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

What If World is made by Eric O’Keeffe with help from Karen O'Keeffe. Our theme song is by Craig Martinson and our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe. Additional songs and sound effects from audioblocks.com.

If you like What If World, leave us a Rating & Review on iTunes!

Story & vocals by Eric O'Keeffe. Editing by Karen Marshall. Theme song by Craig Martinson.