What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

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6. What if it rained candy?

This week Ryan's hitting us with the hard, topical questions (it is Halloween, after all): What if it rained candy??? Candy the Kid - a cowboy made of candy, naturally - joins us to talk about his love of eating candy... and why that isn't creepy in What If World!

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This week Ryan's hitting us with the hard, topical questions (it is Halloween, after all): What if it rained candy??? Candy the Kid - a cowboy made of candy, naturally - joins us to talk about his love of eating candy... and why that isn't creepy in What If World!

If you or your child would like to contribute a "what if?" question for the podcast you can do so in the following ways:

  • Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT

  • Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com

  • Tweet at @whatifworldpod

 Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)

Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!