What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: marshall mallow

42. What if marshmallows could talk and the law was humans couldn't eat them?

Marsha and Marshall Mallow have finally gotten marshmallow eating outlawed, but New What City is still a long way from Candy Equality. Can the Mallows win over the masses, or is everyone going to be too distracted by their cute voices? Also, there's a Griffin!

Marsha and Marshall Mallow have finally gotten marshmallow eating outlawed, but New What City is still a long way from Candy Equality. Can the Mallows win over the masses, or is everyone going to be too distracted by their cute voices? Also, there's a Griffin!


Been eyeing a t-shirt? Trying to figure out what will make your kid's birthday extra special this year? Enter our contest for a chance to win any item of your choice from the What If World threadless store or a free video chat with Mr. Eric for your family, where YOU can help tell the story! There's only two steps -

  1. Write a short review for What If World on Apple Podcasts. Don't know how? Here are instructions on how to leave a review on your iPhone or Computer. (And don't worry if it doesn't show up immediately - sometimes it takes up to 24 hours to appear.)

  2. Contact us via Email, Facebook or Twitter with your display name - so we know how to contact you if you win!

We love doing the show for you, but we want your feedback! Let us know what you like, what you want more of, and what we can do to make the show better. Reviews help us improve the show, and helps more people discover us!

Thanks so much for being a listener.