What If World

a story podcast for kids


What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!

Filtering by Tag: ttrpg for kids

345. Cryptid Kids #8: Spilling the Tea

The Cryptid Kids rush to solve the Handra’s riddle as the Observatorium crumbles, and with it, their magic elevator home!

Lessons include: Trying new things and visiting new places can help us find ourselves; everyone deserves a chance to explore and grow. 

This story is part of a Guilds & Goblins campaign, where What If World characters (and guests) play an original tabletop RPG for kids and families. Real-life dice rolls, usually with a 20-sided die (or d20), help us tell the story, along with your questions! Start with episodes 327, 328, 330, 331, 341, 342, & 344 Cryptid Kids #1 to #7, to get caught up! 

Please Subscribe and show your Support! Grownups, help your kids share questions & ideas at hello@whatifworldpodcast.com, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric and Karen O'Keeffe make What If World. Our producer is Miss Lynn. Character art by Ana Stretcu, episode art by Lynn Hickernell, podcast art by Jason O’Keefe, and theme song by Craig Martinson.

344. Cryptid Kids #7: What if the Hand Hydra was allergic to tea?

The kids discover the Hydra’s weakness! Will they use it to defeat the creature or help it find what it seeks?

Lessons include: Big problems take teamwork to solve; taking a break helps us face our challenges with fresh eyes.

This story is part of a Guilds & Goblins campaign, where What If World characters (and guests) play an original tabletop RPG for kids and families. Real-life dice rolls, usually with a 20-sided die (or d20), help us tell the story, along with your questions! Start with episodes 327, 328, 330, 331, 341, & 342 Cryptid Kids #1 to #6, to get caught up! 

Please Subscribe and show your Support! Grownups, help your kids share questions & ideas at hello@whatifworldpodcast.com, via voicemail at 205-605-WHAT (9428), or on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

Want more kids podcasts for the whole family? Grown-ups, subscribe to Starglow+ here. Learn more about Starglow Media here. Follow Starglow on Instagram and YouTube

Eric andKaren O'Keeffe make What If World. Our producer isMiss Lynn. Character art byAna Stretcu, episode art byLynn Hickernell, podcast art by Jason O’Keefe, and theme song by Craig Martinson.

276. Carly asks: What if rabbits flew in the sky with rattlesnakes? (G&G 20)

Lowlandra is searching for Skullen Bones, Zachimedes, and Turtock, when she is set upon by the devious Tattlesnakes. Can she satisfy the secret-spreading snakes in time to save her friends?

Lessons include: Sharing truthful news and information is a vital service; rumor and opinion can be harmful if presented as truth.

This story is part of the Guilds & Goblins miniseries, where What If World characters (and guests) play an original tabletop RPG for kids and families. The dice rolls are all real and help us tell the story, along with your questions and ideas! Patrons get access to our introductory rules and our character sheet. Listen to all previous G&G episodes: 176, 181, 182, 191, 192, 193, 199, 199 ½, 214, 215, 216, 217, 243, 244, 245, 263, 270, 271, and 275.

Join our Patreon for ad-free stories, monthly bonus episodes, a shout-out on the show, bi-annual mailings, and more! patreon.com/whatifworld

Our character art is by Ana Stretcu and our episode art is by Lynn Hickernell. See more art by Ana Stretcu at our merch store, the Imaginarium! whatifworld.threadless.com

Subscribe to What If World wherever you listen: link.chtbl.com/whatifworld. Share questions and artwork with a grownup's help via email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com or Instagram @whatifworldpodcast

What If World is made by Eric and Karen O'Keeffe. A big thanks to our producer Miss Lynn. Our podcast art is by Jason O’Keefe and our theme song is by Craig Martinson.
Advertise on What If World: advertising@airwavemedia.com