What If World is a storytelling podcast for kids. Each week, Mr. Eric takes a "what if?" question from a friend and spins it into a story just for you!
Remember when all you wanted was a flying laser puppy and your mom said “You’ll blow our roof off!” Let’s see if the old adage is true.
Remember when all you wanted was a flying laser puppy and your mom said "You'll blow our roof off!" Let's see if the old adage is true. Lessons include: parents may seem unfair, but they'll do anything to protect us; lasers are better off left to make believe Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!
Lessons include: parents may seem unfair, but they’ll do anything to protect us; lasers are better off left to make believe
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Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question. Listeners outside the US, email us a voice memo or recording at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com.
The Observatorium gets a new student, Parsha Parchment-Paper from the esteemed school of Wentbridge! She’s none too happy with her new, underfunded school, and she let’s Abacus know it. Will the wizard’s paper airplane lesson win her over or will it nearly destroy the school… again…
The Observatorium gets a new student, Parsha Parchment-Paper from the esteemed school of Wentbridge! She's none too happy with her new, underfunded school, and she let's Abacus know it. Will the wizard's paper airplane lesson win her over or will it nearly destroy the school... again...
Lessons include: you can only make new friends if you give them a chance, where you’re from doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone else
Thank you for supporting What If World!
Be a real What-Iffer and join us on Patreon! Get access to ad-free episodes, live-stream stories, branded swag, one-on-one FaceTime with Mr. Eric, activity books & more!
Rate or review us on Apple Podcasts. One moment of your time helps us to grow!
Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question. Listeners outside the US, email us a voice memo or recording at whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com.
In What If World's first mini-musical, Mama Jamma, Poppa Loo, Zack and Zizi get sent off into three different fairytales, courtesy of Jenkins, the trickster fairy. Can they learn their lessons and find their way back to each other?
In What If World's first mini-musical, Mama Jamma, Poppa Loo, Zack and Zizi get sent off into three different fairytales, courtesy of Jenkins, the trickster fairy. Can they learn their lessons and find their way back to each other?
Lessons include: If you have something important to say, don't let yourself be silenced; be careful and use common sense in unfamiliar settings; rudeness seldom gets results
A HUGE thanks to Chris Kerrigan, who plays Jenkins and a few other characters, and who wrote all the original music and lyrics for this week's episode! Chris performs in and around LA and runs AllSTAR Cabaret, a theatre and performance workshop for kids in 3rd - 6th grade. If you're in the Los Angeles area and want to sign up to audition, visit AllSTAR Cabaret's website at http://allstarcabaret.starinc.org/.
Thank you for supporting What If World! Want more?
Be a real What-Iffer and join us on Patreon! Get access to ad-free episodes, live-stream stories, branded swag, one-on-one FaceTime with Mr. Eric, activity books & more!
Rate or review us on Apple Podcasts. One moment of your time helps us to grow!
After a tough bout with PANDAS, Jude and his friends shrink down to microscopic size in order to battle Strep on its home turf. Inside a boy's stuffy nose!
After a tough bout with PANDAS, Jude and his friends shrink down to microscopic size in order to battle Strep on its home turf. Inside a boy's stuffy nose!
Lessons Include: If you want to like yourself, you need to help others; there are always non-violent solutions if you think outside the box (or the nostril)
For more info about PANDAS, you can visit the National Institute of Mental Health website. A reputable group that help families with information, advocacy, and medical expense grants is Pas.care.
Like our show? We like doing it for you! There are a bunch of ways you can support What If World and help us ensure that we can continue to tell awesome stories:
Visit our Patreon page - become a member at just $2 a month and get access to special What If World stories and live streams. Other rewards include swag, one-on-one Google Hangouts with Mr. Eric, episode workbooks and more!
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Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question, an interview question for one of WiW’s many characters, or a comment on one of our past stories.
It's Zack and Zizi's turn to hit the road as they ride their new unicorn pets all the way to Wizarding School. With Abacus P. Grumbled as headmaster, what could possibly go wrong?
It's Zack and Zizi's turn to hit the road as they ride their new unicorn pets all the way to Wizarding School. With Abacus P. Grumbled as headmaster, what could possibly go wrong?
Lessons include: unorthodox problem solving can be fun, keeping a pet is a lot of work, giving a little means a lot (especially if you do it regularly)
Like our show? We like doing it for you! There are a bunch of ways you can support What If World and help us ensure that we can continue to tell awesome stories:
Visit our Patreon page - become a member at just $2 a month and get access to special What If World stories and live streams. Other rewards include free swag, one-on-one Google Hangouts with Mr. Eric, free worksheets and more!
Zack and Zizi investigate a strange new house in their local park, only to learn that it's some kind of thinking spaceship! When space-houses start springing up everywhere, the kids need to call an old friend for help: Peter the Realtor (aka Petey the Pirate).
Zack and Zizi investigate a strange new house in their local park, only to learn that it's some kind of thinking spaceship! When space-houses start springing up everywhere, the kids need to call an old friend for help: Peter the Realtor (aka Petey the Pirate).
Lessons include: always let your parents know where you're headed, think about the environment when building, be smart and careful when meeting new people and places
Please help What If World grow!
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Call 205-605-WHAT with a What If Question, an interview question for one of WiW’s many characters, or a comment on one of our past stories.
Share your What If World art on Facebook, @whatifworldpod, or by Email!
When the whole family votes to visit Zombria on Spring Break, Papa Loo discovers that Zombies aren't much different from you and me. Of course, he embarrasses himself thoroughly in the process.
Lessons include: cultural sensitivity, being open to new experiences, and learning before judging.
When the whole family votes to visit Zombria on Spring Break, Papa Loo discovers that Zombies aren't much different from you and me. Of course, he embarrasses himself thoroughly in the process. Lessons include: cultural sensitivity, being open to new experiences, and learning before judging.
Unknown source - let us know if it's yours!
If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question, tell a quick story, or share your thoughts about a past episode, you can do so in the following ways:
Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT
Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com
Tweet at @whatifworldpod
Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)
Help us out by giving us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!
ZAP! BLORP! SLOOPH!!! Have you been wondering when the super heroes would show up? Well so has Wondering Woman! She and Hatman join forces this week to rescue Zack from a not-so-perilous day of school. Will their antics fix all his problems or land him in even bigger trouble?
ZAP! BLORP! SLOOPH!!! Have you been wondering when the super heroes would show up? Well so has Wondering Woman! She and Hatman join forces this week to rescue Zach from a not-so-perilous day of school. Will their antics fix all his problems or land him in even bigger trouble?
If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question, tell a quick story, or share your thoughts about a past episode, you can do so in the following ways:
Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT
Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com
Tweet at @whatifworldpod
Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)
Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!
Come to Jalopo’s workshop and meet Pintopio, a flying car who wants to be a real baseball player! Will he succeed? Poppa Loo doesn’t seem to think so, but when has he ever been right about anything?
Come to Jalopo's workshop and meet Pintopio, a flying car who wants to be a real baseball player! Will he succeed? Poppa Loo doesn't seem to think so, but when has he ever been right about anything? Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!
If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question, tell a quick story, or share your thoughts about a past episode, you can do so in the following ways:
Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT
Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com
Tweet at @whatifworldpod
Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)
Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!
We're about to take a break for the holidays, but until then please enjoy this special episode featuring a question from Griffin! What if kids were nocturnal? Zach and Zizi and their parents visit the town of Blerk and find out...
Please enjoy this special episode featuring a question from Griffin! What if kids were nocturnal? Zach and Zizi and their parents visit the town of Blerk and find out... Join our Patreon for Ad-Free stories, a Shout-Out on the show, bonus audio, a better chance of having your question answered, and more!
The Adventures of Pete & Pete
If you or your child would like to submit a "What if?" question or tell us about one of Mr. Eric's famous flubs you can do so in the following ways:
Leave a voicemail at (205) 605-WHAT
Write an email to whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com
Tweet at @whatifworldpod
Make sure you're ready with your first name, something you really like or like to do, and your "what if" question. And don't worry if you have to call two or three times. :)
Help us out by giving us a rating & review on iTunes! Or, share What If World with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and help us spread the word so that we can continue to tell new stories!
And this week, if you're in Massachusetts we have a SPECIAL treat for you - see below for details!